Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sports June 13, 2010

This has been a classic NBA finals. Two age- old enemies duking it out with the best players in the game. The best part is that I haven't even heard Lebron's name since it started. Finally, some news to keep the press off of this offseason. I started to get the feel that the prize this offseason was Lebron James, not the NBA finals. I think the drama of this finals has been just what we needed to take the attention away from the Cavs. Remember, just because you have Lebron, it does not mean you're going to win the finals. Basketball is a team game, not just one person. We remember Michael Jordon as the greatest player of all time, but he still had Scottie Pippen.

What about Stephen Starsbourg? He completely blew past the Pirates. I know its the Pirates and they're a struggling team, but that was quite a show he put on. You might think he would have jitters pitching in the big leagues for the first time. But he struck out 14 and walked none. Thats something veterans have trouble doing. I also thought the Nationals would pull him earlier than they did, but he did get good innings in. The Nationals are only 6 games out in the East, so Strasbourg can become a valuable stopper for them.

So much for the Red Sox. This has become a tight race in the AL East between the Rays and Yankees. With a big win over the Astros, the Yankees have tied the Rays for the best record in the league. The Yankees over the last few seasons have been a much better second half team, so they could cruise to 100 victories. The Rays have the potential to do so as well. It also hogs up the wildcard spot, it makes other AL teams need to win the division, or go home.

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